Science Communications

Science Writing & Editing

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Since 2000 I have worked as a science and medical writer and editor, producing and managing scientific communications for several prestigious institutions. Most recently, I have been a staff science writer at HLRS – High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart at the University of Stuttgart, Germany. Previously I held staff editorial positions with the Columbia University Department of Systems BiologyMemorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, and the New York Academy of Sciences.

I have covered a wide range of scientific, technical, and medical fields, including systems and computational biology, molecular biology and genomics, high performance computing, cancer biology and cancer treatment, neuroscience, infectious diseases and pubic health, environmental sciences and policy, science and culture, and other disciplines.

Website Development

click here for website development portfolio >

I have been involved in three major website rebuilds for nonprofit and academic science and healthcare organizations. My contributions have included editorial strategy development, architecture and navigation design, defining page requirements, evaluation and refinement of page layouts, content management system organization, development of graphic and photographic assets, and other design and development tasks. The sites I’ve worked on have been recognized three times by the Webby Awards, the “Oscars of the Internet.”