
A Wintry Mix

A continuous mix of recent listening that traverses borders and suits the darker season. At times the sounds are cold and icy, at others as warm as your favorite blanket. Playlist  Start Time | Artist | “Title” | Album | Label 00:00 | Incipientium | “Caltes” | Belastning | Förlag För Fri Musik 05:23 | Amateur Hour | “Utan […]

New Mix: Shades of Haze

A collage of recent listening, featuring obscure articulations, corroded tapes, twee beats, artists as musicians, a chorus of bells, solitary late night doodles, fuzzed loops, and chance meetings.

Locked Down, Taking Stock

During the recent COVID lockdown, an old friend who lives in Portland celebrated his 45th birthday. As a gift to honor the occasion, I put together this mix of 45 tracks from records that have caught my attention over the last few years and won’t let go. The result is some 3 hours and 41 […]

Recent Writing and 2019 Annual Report for the High-Performance Computing Center Stuttgart

I’ve spent a substantial amount of coronavirus-enforced home office worktime writing, editing, managing translations, etc., for the High-Performance Computing Center Stuttgart’s latest annual report, which I’m now pleased to be able to share. You can find links below to several new articles I wrote for the report, along with some other recent pieces. Check them […]

Interview with Armin Linke and Estelle Blaschke

In a rare situation that enabled the convergence of several very distinct interests of mine, I had the opportunity to interview photographer Armin Linke and historian of photography Estelle Blaschke last spring about their show “Image Capital” at the Kunstmuseum Stuttgart. Read the interview here.

Find Me on Instagram

In the better late than never department, I finally got with the program and signed myself up for an Instagram account. If you’re into that sort of thing and want to link up, you can find me here. “Social, social, let’s be social.”

xCoAx 2019

I recently presented my installation Who’s the Dummy? as part of xCoAx 2019, the 7th Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics & X. This was the second time mounting the project, following its November 2018 debut at the generate!_lab Festival of Electronic Arts in Tübingen. FIND COMPLETE DOCUMENTATION OF THIS PROJECT HERE.

HLRS Annual Report 2018

At work, I recently completed publication of the 2018 annual report for the High-Performance Computing Center Stuttgart. As editor I did the majority of the conception, writing and editing, though was grateful for valuable contributions from my colleagues. The 72-page document is written for nonspecialists and surveys highlights from around HLRS over the previous year. […]